Non-Tech Savvy Girl

Week 3: Screencast

This week we learned how to use a feature called screen casting and were asked to create a tutorial video with H5P tools embedded. Through some trial and error I was able to create and edit a tutorial video on how to use quizlet: an excellent study tool for students and educators.

H5P Tools and Early Elementary

Though H5P tools are extremely helpful for educators and some students, I do not think they would be a useful tool as a grade Kindergarten teacher. Being inside the classroom is already an overstimulating and new experience for many students. Therefore, I would be hesitant to incorporate too much technology in their first year of elementary school. The only time I could see H5P tools as helpful would be for checking comprehension and using the multiple choice tool. However, still I would rather use choral responses or small discussions with little ones, rather than H5P tools.

Video Editing in Kindergarten

Again it would not be likely that I would be using video and audio editing as the assignment medium for kindergarten students. I find it extremely crucial to expose children early on to an abundance of inquiry, child-led discoveries, and outdoor education experiences. However, there would be small opportunities where I would use editing, which would most likely be creating an end of year slideshow. Another opportunity would if I found an excellent video that I wanted to share with the class on say math, but it had a few sections that did not align with the lesson and/or is not appropriate for the targeted age, I could take that video and crop/trip aspects of the video. Below I have included a video that discusses in full how to add interactivity to instructional videos using H5P.

Multi-Media Learning

Multi-media learning theory explains that a combinations of words and pictures is better for learning than from words alone

Dr. Ray Pastore

By incorporating multi-media learning theory principles like: Modality, Redundancy, Coherence, Spatial, Signalling, and Interactivity, educators will be able to create more effective instructional videos and tutorials. For instance, take the principle of interactivity that allows learners to control the pace of instruction and animation to improve learning performance; can be directly incorporated into a multi-media classroom. This could be done through using H5P to create weekly interactive videos that students can watch at home or in the classroom with (Next, Back, and Replay) Buttons. By allowing learns to control the pace of their learning, every students learning pace can be honoured.

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